Saturday, September 27, 2014

Practicing Awareness of Micro-aggression
Temika McCann
6164 - 1 

I am so enthusiastic about this week blog the new insight I have learned about over these last 4 week. That I have as an educator I am so interested to learn about Micro-aggression. According to Dr. Sue Laureate, 2011) he said, that Micro- aggression's exist in everyday humiliations and disgrace that are oral behavioral. However, they may well exist not deliberately interconnected they cause external hurt and extreme pain if the message contained in offensive.  It allows you to personally own your understandings and capabilities. I had known idea of these terms and if I was setting in a setting amongst a group of people I would not have any idea what he/she might be talking about. I am so glad that and happy about this class. It has taught me so much and now I feel empower and will be able to share this vital information with coworker and families.

Last week I had an important phone call with my daughter principle and I was talking with Ms. Jay about an incident that occurred at my daughter school. I had to hurry to finish the phone call because I had another call that was coming in. I said, Ms. Jay I have another call that coming in that is long distance can I give you a call back in 30 minutes. She asked “why do you need to answer that call if you are on the phone with me.” I try explained to her it was a very vital call that I must answer she insist on talking after, I was very polite with her.  Ms. Jay was trying to over throw my conversation, by demanding me to continue to talk with her. I was going to drive to get there, so I told him and immediately he went into redirecting me to another route. I agree with Ms. Jay I very much of being on the phone with you , but you have to realize and take into consideration that I have another call coming in and as soon as I am done I will give you a call back. Ms. Jay was very rude a very impolite, I totally feel she invalidated what was significant toward me. I also felt like my  decision and phone call was not important to her and that if I was to continue to stay on the phone with her she would have being fine and the other phone call was not that important how  rude.

When I recognized as a person who was a victim of a micro aggression, I step out of character by not being aware of theirs and their beliefs I felt I was a little rude and upset. I started to do something that I might regret later and I want to say something that might not came out so good so , I held my peace, I don’t consider what I did was  on purpose, but I should had thought about it first and be more aware of other values and tradition.  According to Dr Sue (Laureate Education 2011) said that undoing come about day in and day out without a person being aware of the other persons or group of people.  I had a coworker who was a control person in the classroom want to control everything and everybody so I have always being the bigger person and played follow the leader to have a peaceful time within the environment and classroom I work in.
I always try to be mindful when I am interacting with children, friends, coworker and families. It is very important to me as a mom and educator how we want to be treated we have to make sure we our treating others that way. The motto my mom always say do unto others that you will have them to do unto you. If you don’t want anyone to be rude towards you don’t be rude towards them. Overall for these last 4 weeks this information and knowledge I have gained from this class and professor has help me to understand people much better and always respect people for who they are. Regardless of race, gender and belief. I also know that looking down on others because we are all different is very rude, harmful and leave deep pain to others.   

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Microaggressions in everyday life [Video file]. Retrieved from

Friday, September 19, 2014

Temika McCann
Educ 6164 – 1
Perspectives on Diversity and Culture
Week - 3 
Despite the fact diversity and culture is very significant , we are looking  at other people from all walks of life and race  in different ways , but respect each individual for who he/she are. This week I was so excited to hear what other had to say about diversity and culture. I  had a chance to speak with people I had not heard from in  a while and to hear from them and to share my assignment together was cool! I was glad to connect with them and to find out what was their thoughts on diversity and culture, I learned a lot from each person.

The first person, I spoke with was my cousin he specified that culture was shared beliefs and values of group: the beliefs, customs, practices, and social behavior. Individuals who bring unique perspectives or outlooks to the organization. In general diverse means variety a diverse community is different people living in one or different kind of community. They may be different because of their gender, social class, upbringing, culture and religion. The second, person said that culture was a way a person live hid/her life and diversity was a celebrate different time of the year. Thirdly, I spoke with an acquaintances stated that culture was traditions, values and a person beliefs.

I really enjoyed this blog on this week. I gained so much insight about how each person shared what culture and diversity means to them from personal perspective learning from all these wonderful people just make me appreciate and respect each person for who they are and that we all are different and unique in our on ways. I learned that everyone express their self in a unique way and that what make the world a rainbow.

I did  learned  this week  that majority  people’s definitions for culture was what I learned growing up and the article and the reading  that I readied  over these last couple of weeks was amazing to hear it again through the people I interview this week.  The family and friends that, I interview on this week was not aware of dominant culture, I got a chance to share what dominant culture was and they were blown away!   According to Derman-Sparks and Edwards, (2010) said, that dominant culture is not necessarily or always mean the culture of the majority rather it is the culture of the people who hold social and political. They were astonished with the answer.

As I look at culture and I had gained so much insight that have open my mind on a whole different level, I learned this week not to judge a book by its cover. After this week what I found what culture is it has a lot to do with who a person is when he or she is around family or friends that should and need to to feel accepted by all regardless of race, color,belief  and religion . According to Dr. Gonzalez (2011) she stated in the video that a person should be able to be themselves around family and friends that what define true culture.

Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). 
 Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Culture and diversity [Video file]. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Blog: My Family Culture
Temika Mccann
( 6164)
The reason I chose these three items is because my granddaddy and grandmother made these items by hand. She and my grandfather took turn making these items my granddaddy was 76 years of age and my grandmother was 73 when they made these items by hand they work as a team and that what made these items unique and valuable. I remember my grandparents just like it was yesterday. My mom shared with me as I got older  she told me that she made those items because they wanted my mom to share it with her children when we became a certain age to where we could really understand the meaning behind it. I thought that was amazing to know that. I really treasure these items and hold them deep to my heart.  The design in these items reflects the southern culture and I was astonished. And these items bring so many memories just as if they just gave it to me and my family yesterday. The reason I chose to take those items because religious has always been a first priority in my family culture. Just to know that my grandmother made a handmade bible cover is so thoughtful and something for me to cherished as I put my bible inside of it. I would take the blanket because every time, I cover up with it will remind me of my grandparents and how they cover up with it when I use to go visit them. Lastly I would bring with me my outfit. Our culture enjoyed making clothes and was very creative with the designs and I would cherished the outfit knowing that it was handmade makes it very meaningful to me. As I arrive at my destination if I had a chose to take one of my items my grandparent made me I will take the bible cover with me. The  bible cover mean so much to me than the other two items because it will let me know and remind me that God is always with me no matter what battle I may be in he is in the midst. I will hold this bible cove deep and dearly to my heart. Overall this was a vital topic and I am so glad to be able to shares with Dr. Parrish and my classmates. This assignment have really open my mind how little things can be yet so meaningful to a person and their family culture life.
Have a wonderful week Dr.Parrish and Everyone!

Blog: My Family Culture

Temika McCann

The reason I chose these three items is because my granddaddy and grandmother made these items by hand. She and my grandfather took turn making these items my granddaddy was 76 years of age and my grandmother was 73 when they made these items by hand they work as a team and that what made these items unique and valuable. I remember my grandparents just like it was yesterday. My mom shared with me as I got older  she told me that she made those items because they wanted my mom to share it with her children when we became a certain age to where we could really understand the meaning behind it. I thought that was amazing to know that. I really treasure these items and hold them deep to my heart.  The design in these items reflects the southern culture and I was astonished. And these items bring so many memories just as if they just gave it to me and my family yesterday. The reason I chose to take those items because religious has always been a first priority in my family culture. Just to know that my grandmother made a handmade bible cover is so thoughtful and something for me to cherished as I put my bible inside of it. I would take the blanket because every time, I cover up with it will remind me of my grandparents and how they cover up with it when I use to go visit them. Lastly I would bring with me my outfit. Our culture enjoyed making clothes and was very creative with the designs and I would cherished the outfit knowing that it was handmade makes it very meaningful to me. As I arrive at my destination if I had a chose to take one of my items my grandparent made me I will take the bible cover with me. The  bible cover mean so much to me than the other two items because it will let me know and remind me that God is always with me no matter what battle I may be in he is in the midst. I will hold this bible cove deep and dearly to my heart. Overall this was a vital topic and I am so glad to be able to shares with Dr. Parrish and my classmates. This assignment have really open my mind  and eyes an let me know not to despise the small things an how little things can be yet so meaningful to a person and their family culture life, I feel is awesome!